Interview with Tanja Hirsch

Tanja Hirsch

  • Core Subject: Creative Vinyasa Flow Sequences
  • Experience: 8+ Years
  • Language: German and English
  • Location: Sri Lanka
  • Certifications and Study:
      • Vinyasa Flow
      • Yin Yoga
      • Yoga Nidra
      • Personal Development
      • Coaching
      • Ayurveda
      • Meditation
      • Tantra
      • Pranayama
      • Thai Massage

Tanja Hirsch is a passionated Yoga teacher and the Author of “The Yogis Cleanse”. Influenced by her teachers all around the world for more than 8 years, Yoga became so much more than just Asana to her. After many years of practicing she decided to share her passion for Yoga and personal development and opened a Yoga Studio close to Munich. A few years ago she started to host Yoga Retreats all around the world. Her vision focuses on helping her participants to create a happy, healthy and free life.

What Impact Has Yoga Had On Your Own Life? Who Were You Before You Started Practicing And How Has The Practice Contributed To Your Growth?

Before I started practicing Yoga I had no idea of who I really was – I allowed life happening to me and lived with so much fear and insecurity. I doubted myself a lot, kept myself small, I was overthinking everthing and tried to please everyone around me. I cared so much about what other people might think about me. Since I was born it was easy for me to adapt to people and situations around me. I knew how to make everyone feel good and how to keep the harmony. It took me many years of practicing Yoga to realize that I was paying a high price for it – I gave more than I had to give - even if my cup was completely empty. I was putting my own needs behind because of my deep routed fear of not being loved or accepted by others and not wanting that anyone feels bad because of me letting them down. I felt stuck in my life – I knew I wanted something different and I had so much more potential and wisdom than I showed by then. But I was too afraid to change something or better said: I didn´t know how.

After studying psychology, personal development and Yoga for many years, my visions became clearer and clearer...But I still had too much fear to finally take the steps I needed to. Until one day I just collapsed on to my knees – being completely burned out and had nothing left to give. My cup was entirely empty. In this moment I had no other choice than changing my life immediately. My body forced me towards the direction I was meant to go. The direction I always knew I wanted to go - but I was too afraid to take action and risk everything that I created. Looking back this break down was the reason for my breakthrough – even if this time was really hard for me. It finally gave me the courage to make the necessary steps towars the life that I truely wanted to live. It helped me to peel off the layers I built up to protect my heart - to finally start a new life thousands of kilometers away from home with openness and trust. And during all this time Yoga was my biggest anchor. A save space to come home to and to feel this place always exists within ourselves, not only on the mat or in moments we feel great.

This step was exactly what I needed to finally see and believe in my potential and what I can transform through my experience in other peoples life.

I guess it’s easy for me to get my students in a state of being and openness, because I know how it feels like to be completely shut down. I´m beyond grateful for every single teacher and obsticle on my path that have brought me to where I am today.

Why Did You Decide To Start Teaching Yoga?

To be honest, I think I still wouldn´t teach Yoga until today if I hadn´t met my ex boyfriend who I opened the Yogastudio with. I kept myself too small and I would propably still think I´m not good enough to teach. When we opened our studio I rarely had teaching experience and it felt like jumping into ice cold water at the beginning. But I became more confident with every class I taught. Being couragous doesn´t mean you the absence of fear – but to do in anyway.

I saw how people felt after my classes and that filled my heart with so much joy. The more I stepped into the world of teaching, I knew I wanted to share all my lessons unconditionally. I want to show that we have the choice of how we want to live our lifes every single day. I want to share everything that I have learned to help my participants to create a happy, healthy and free free themselves from everything that is keeping them small – holding them back in their lives.

How Did You Feel After Your First Yoga Class And How Do You Want Students To Feel After Practicing With You?

After my first Yoga class I thought: “Oh my god, this is not for me!” I wanted to leave immediately. I felt like this is a weird sect and don´t belong there at all.

It took me 5 more years to attend another class after this experience. I still remember this moment as if it was today: something within me clicked within this 90 Minutes class. It felt like coming home to a part of me that I didn´t even know existed anymore. I could feel that in that moment I had just opened a door to a whole new universe and that there is so much more in this world than we can see with our eyes. I wanted to learn everything about it and for the next years I went to a Yogaclass every single day and soaked everything up like a sponge. During this time I learned so much about myself and the world. So many moments of realisations, of pain and tears but also joy and bliss. Layer by layer I still allow myself to open up. And that spark is exactly what I want to set on fire within my students. I want them to discover a place of home within themselves – on and off the mat.

What Advice Would You Give Someone Who Is Just Beginning Their Yoga Journey?

My advise for beginners: Stay open and playful, leave your ego outside and be couragous. And also don´t force yourself into anything. Yoga is not for everone and that´s ok. Wait until it feels right and you find the right teacher that inspires you. A teacher you feel safe and supported in your growth. And please don´t worry too much about Asana and how it looks from the outside or how deep you can go. It´s just a tiny little part of what Yoga really has to offer.

What Style Of Yoga Do You Teach?

I call my style of Yoga “Intuitive Flow” - creative Vinyasa Flow sequences where we connect the movements of the body to the breath to tune into the body with no beginning and no end of the movements to create a state of flow. I go with the flow of the energy of the group and let the class unfold during the process. My classes are not about performance or competition - but to make my students to really fell themselves in their bodys and feel comfortable. I love to mix creative Flow Elements with Yin Elements at the end of the class. In my experience this combination is the best to fully let go and to get in a state of being.

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