200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training,Tamil Nadu,India

  • Organizer: Himalayan Yoga Institute
  • Type: Yoga TTC
  • Starting From: 20-February-2021
  • Duration: 28 Days
  • Area: Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Food: Vegetarian,Vegan,Gluten Free,Organic,Ayurvedic
  • Surrounding area: Near to Beach,Sea,Close To Nature


Answer to the calling of spiritual oneness with the universe here in the birth land of Yoga and Ayurveda with the 200 hour YTT in South India. The country holds a long heritage of spiritual culture, being home to saints and renunciates on the path of moksha or the soul’s liberation. From daily rituals to religious practices, life in India is underlined with rich spiritual meaning on every step.

To the South of the subcontinent, the natural splendor of the coastal stretches and the Western Ghats hills evoke serenity and a deeply meditative countenance. Experience your body detoxify and rejuvenate at a cellular level as the yoga routine unfolds. The in-depth asana lessons are supported with nourishing Ayurvedic food, cleansing routines, and purifying breathworks, or pranayama. Manifold benefits of yoga and meditation are thoroughly unraveled step by step on this journey of transformation in the mind, body, and soul. Beginners find an orientation to unadulterated yoga life with this month-long course while seasoned yogis are rewarded with correction and improvement.

The 200 hour YTT also sheds light on a viable career curve, steeped in holistic health and healing, travel, philanthropy, and self-search. If you are feeling tired of following a monochromatic and conventional career, with this course, contemplate life as a certified yoga-Ayurveda instructor with a self-propelled business plan.


"The Himalayan Yoga Institute teacher training was an experience like no other. You can read all about it, see photos, read testimonials but it's just not possible to imagine the vastness of knowledge that is shared with you in what seems like the fastest month of your life!

The doors are opened to a whole new world and you have the privilege of being able to take a peek or fully explore the other side. Expertly guided throughout by the warmth and infectious passion of the radiant Ganga Devi, it's a once in a lifetime experience you'll never forget! :))"


Source: Website

"This training exceeded my expectations on every level. In addition to gaining the knowledge to teach yoga asanas to others, I have also acquired a deeper understanding of myself, of others and of the universe. Training alongside an incredible group of people from around the world, each with different cultures and stories, was a great privilege.

And of course, this growth and learning could not have taken place without the guidance and patience of our teacher, Ganga, a truly beautiful soul. Her wealth of knowledge is inspiring. The course was well-structured, in-depth and has given me the foundation for a new life path. I am so grateful to have all of this philosophical and historical awareness and cannot wait to share in this pursuit for joy through yoga."


Source: Website

"The teachings are of exceptionally high quality - well informed by Ganga's deep personal practice - and rounded across the Eight Limbs of Yoga. The small group size meant that we received plenty of attention and support, which was tailored to us individually. I have completed the course confident and assured that the knowledge and skills I have acquired, are well informed, from a truly authentic source, and offer students teachings of special value."


Source: Website

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    Ganga Devi

    Core Subject: Yoga Instructor ,Pranayama and Meditation

    Ganga Devi has been a dedicated disciple on the yoga path for over 30 years. Her years of initiation had been spent in the heavenly reaches of the Himalayas, under the guiding light of renunciate yoga masters. As a successor of her guru, Ganga Devi was entrusted with continuing the work and legacy of the ashram located in KulluValley, tucked away in the Himalayas. Her pranayama and meditation sessions are truly awakening. Students also love the story telling and her use of imagery in speech, defining universal harmony, health, and wellness goals achievable through dedicated engagement with the discipline.


Pondicherry in India’s southern coast by the Bay of Bengal is beautiful town with colonial style French grid pattern houses and perpendicular streets. The town is divided into two quarters-- the Ville Blanche and the Ville Noire. The Ville Blanche was home to the French colonials in India, and much of their architecture and styles have been preserved till date. The region basks in warm tropical weather all year long with temperatures varying from very hot to mildly warm. Places to visit include-- the Aurobindo Ashram- a well-known spiritual center of the Vedanta school established by Sri Aurobindo.

Auroville- a model community originating in Pondicherry in the 1960s is the exact location of the yoga retreat. The Auroville community stands for human unity in diversity. It is an internationally endorsed experiment in transformation of consciousness, sustainable living, and cultural, environmental, social, and spiritual needs of mankind in the future.

This YTT is held in Auroville near Pondicherry-- an ideal place to engage deeper with your core and mold your mind and body to perfection through the yogic discipline. The approach to yoga is not Western-influenced and focuses more on holistic improvement rather than mere physical exercises with the asanas. Attaining increased mindfulness, an unadulterated state of joy, detoxification, higher energy levels, fitness, and self-confidence are the goals of this program. Participants will come away with a set of skills and tools to reach their higher potentials through the following segments-- 

The asanas are taught at this school in the authentic Rajadhiraja tradition of Tantra Yoga. In this method, stress is put on the body’s hormonal and chakra system. A deep sense of wellbeing and happiness is restored in the body with asanas practiced in this fashion. In the entire duration of the program, target 60+ asanas would be covered.

Breath is integral to yoga, it enables the management of prana- the vital life force, one that animates all levels of being. Prana powers the body in movement and the mind in thinking. It is the innate intelligence of coordinating the senses and thus reaching the very manifestation of one’s higher self. In this course, participants would learn the art of enhancing and directing the flow of prana through Hatha Yoga and thus develop an expanded inner awareness.

Culture depthless introspection and mindfulness by following different formats of meditation in this segment. Both guided meditation and self-led formats will be covered over the month.

Adjustment and Alignment
Break new grounds in your personal asana practice with adjustment and alignment advice from expert instructors. Hands-on, your stances will be corrected and deepened to perfection. 

Joint pains, general low-energy, bad circulation, recurring digestive issues, common cold and lack of immunity issues are just a few of the troubles to name which many suffers but fails to receive a holistic curative approach. In this program, focus will be brought upon rebalancing one’s endocrine function, chakra harmony, and emotional equilibrium with yoga and meditation to enable healing from within.

Motivational Coaching
Ganga Devi, the principal teacher in the house is an adept motivational coach. She will be presiding sessions on personal health and stress-management. Opening up and intimate discussions are welcome in this segment. The best thing about Ganga Devi’s classes is the simplicity of her language, and weaving of personal experience and storytelling in the narrative. 

Cultural Tours and Nature Trips
Participants will be taken on visits to textile and handicrafts marts in the locality, at Indian music and dance festivals, the Auroville spiritual circles, martial arts performances typical of South India, and on nature trails. Expand your cultural worldview.

Sattvic Indian Meals
The YTT kitchen plates up delectable Indian yogic food brimming full of sattvic qualities. There are fresh cut fruits, juices, herbed salads, herbal drinks, spiced curries, local preparations made from rice and lentils on the menu. The idea is to internally detox and restore balance with an accurately nutritious diet.

Daily Postures- Learn 66 different basic asanas from the Hatha series, 100 variations from beginner level to advanced, alignment techniques, and asana teaching methodology.

Breathing Exercises- Expand breathing capacity, and purify the subtle energy channels with Ujjayi, Surya Bheda, Sitali, Sitkari, and Bhramari pranayama, along with the 10 Vayus.

Kriya, Bandhas, and Mudras- These are the classical yogic purification techniques for nose, lungs, and abdomen. Bandhas are body locks, the mudras are hand gestures, and the kriyas cleaning methods aimed at unblocking various energy channels. These are the yogic secrets for a long life.

Yoga Anatomy, Physiology, and Biopsychology- You will be introduced to major anatomical systems and explained about the effect of yoga in the body system. Biopsychology is the study of glands and hormones and how it’s functioning affects mental (psychic) states.

Philosophical Teaching- This segment covers at length about the concepts of-- bhakti yoga, jnana yoga, and karma yoga. In textual learnings, Bhagavad Gita is considered canonical.

Business of Teaching Yoga- Enquiries regarding how to be a successful yoga entrepreneur are answered. Discussion on the role of a powerful personal practice, the way of setting up classes, marketing about the teacher and services are held.

Daily class schedule and course rules:

  • 06:30 Pranayama, chanting, meditation
  • 07:30 Asanas
  • 09:00 Fruit and Tea
  • 09:30 Workshop/Lecture/Anatomy and Physiology
  • 10:30 Karma Yoga
  • 11:00 Lecture/Workshop
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 12.45 Main lecture (philosophy/theory/history)
  • 14:15 snack and leisure/self-study
  • 16:30 Asanas, asana techniques & Teaching Methodology
  • 18:30 Satsang (meditation, kirtan, chanting)
  • 19:30 Dinner
  • 20:00 Free time and study
  • 22:00 Lights out

Live in the caress of the sea at the Sharanya Villa the days of your retreat. The venue is very close to the Auroville community place in South India. The Auroville Beach is just 2 miles away from the location, on which the 4500 sq.ft villa sits in a 1.5 acres ground. The villa in-built in the traditional Kerala style using rammed earth and a tile roof.

The earthen walls and floors give the hut a cool composure all through the year and abides by eco-friendly building policies. You have a large central courtyard within the complex that provides a pleasant space for everyone to spend quality time.

The rooms are furnished with antique furniture and promises all the comforts of home. The villa is tucked away from the busy roads and has a quality of silence. 

 The accommodation types are--

  •  Shared room for up to 5 same gender people’s cohabitation.
  • Triple accommodation for 3 people sharing
  • Double accommodation for twin sharing a spacious room

Keeping in place the spicy essence of Indian cuisine, the retreat kitchen of this South India yogic kitchen serves low-oil and low-carb vegetarian dishes. There are three meals a day, each enriched with exclusive sattvic properties. Rice, lentil soups, spiced mishmashes of delectable vegetables, curd, salad, and curries make up the food chart.

Students are also free to receive their individual dosha-specific food fare in order to harmonize their inner body balance over a month’s time.Cleanliness is essential to the preparation of yogic food, as well as following Ayurveda prescribed methods of retaining essential nutrients while cooking.

The kitchen staff is expert at ayurvedic culinary and never fails to put up flavorsome, light, and nourishing dishes suitable to the tropical weather of India and food that is appropriate for intensive yoga disciples. Let the organizers know in prior if you like to have vegan.

The highlights of this 200 Hour YTT in Auroville are:

  • The gurukula style design with community living under the same roof with fellow students and teachers.
  • Space for self-discipline for the purpose of probing into the nature of mind, body, and spirit.
  • Participants come away with joyful inspiration to take one’s personal yoga journey further and share the happiness along the way through yoga teaching.
  • Authenticity of the Indian yogic values are at the core of this program. 
  • The exquisite Auroville location, proximity to the sea, and exposure to a plethora of local cultures.
  • 1 month accommodation with amenities in clean and hygienic quarters
  • Three meals a day, served with nutritive herbal drinks
  • Ayurvedic treatments
  • Consultation
  • Excursion

Himalayan Yoga Institute


Ganga Devi, the founder of Himalayan Yoga Institute established back in 2007, the blueprint for an organization working with the motto of educating, enlightening, and transforming minds with yoga.

Ever since its inception, meticulous attention has been given in forming the authentic yogic curriculum of the Institute’s retreat programs. The proceeds from the training course held by Himalayan Yoga Institute go to philanthropic ventures in India, Croatia, and the UK.

The logo of the Institution shows a heart chakra with 12 petals and a blooming lotus at the center symbolizing the awakening of spiritual love and awareness.

Cancellation within 15-29 days before the retreat begins will get you 50% of your payment applied to another retreat. Cancellation less than 15 days before the retreat begins means your fee is neither refundable nor transferable.