200 Hour Pura Vida Yoga Teacher Training, Costa Rica

  • Organizer: Sacred Paths Yoga
  • Type: Yoga TTC
  • Starting From: 30-November-2019
  • Duration: 21 Days/ 20 Nights
  • Area: Santa Teresa, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
  • Food: Vegetarian,Vegan,Gluten Free,Organic
  • Surrounding area: Near to Beach,Close To Nature


Our Costa Rica Yoga Teacher Training programs offer the unique opportunity to explore ancient yogic wisdom while restoring harmony and balance into your daily existence.

Our close proximity to the ocean offers the opportunity to explore the art of surfing, another flow-based spiritual practice that allows one to tap into a deep sense of connection and find oneness and peace with all that is.

The ebb and flow of the waves teach us to flow with grace in this ever-changing journey of life. We find stillness within the movement, peace permeates our being.

Known for its beautiful beaches, volcanoes, and biodiversity, Costa Rica is a nature lover’s paradise! A quarter of the land is made up of national parks and protected jungle, the largest in the world as a percentage of the country’s territory.

Home to a rich variety of flora and fauna and diverse wildlife including spider monkeys, the quetzal bird, and the three-toed sloth, Costa Rica has only 0.03% of the world’s landmass but is estimated to contain 5% of the world’s biodiversity. 

Costa Rica offers a variety of landscapes, microclimates, and something for everyone. Whether it is adventure, surfing, hiking or relaxation that you are seeking, this path is sure to lead to a wildly wonderful experience.

The spirit of Costa Rica embraces the ‘Pura Vida’ lifestyle. Meaning ‘Pure Life’, this mantra permeates the lifestyle and is the heart of Costa Rica’s cultural appeal.

Relax into the easygoing vibes of this beautiful land and find freedom of heart. We will explore yogic purification techniques and feast on the abundance of fresh tropical fruits and vegetables available that will provide the cleansing that your body needs.

This program emphasizes the purification of mind, body, and spirit.

  • Explore traditional yogic teachings, earth medicine, and spirituality in a process of self-inquiry and personal growth
  • Learn to teach our Sacred Flow Vinyasa sequence as well as receive guidance on creating and teaching your own unique sequences
  • Explore traditional Hatha, Restorative, Yin and Prenatal yoga
  • Experience yogic living, deepen your personal practice and commitment to this path
  • Practice daily meditation, pranayama, and asana
  • Experience a Spiritual Immersion
  • Explore the art of teaching, touch, and alignment to gain knowledge, insight and clarity
  • Practice Kirtan, chanting and medicine songs from around the world as we experience Bhakti bliss!
  • Nightly evening gatherings, Satsang, to reflect on the day’s journey and insights
  • Experience ceremony, including Full and New Moon Ceremonies, Fire Ceremony, Water Blessing Ceremony, Earth Gratitude Ceremony, Puja (Hindi offering), Cacao ceremony and more!
  • Study Yoga Anatomy & Physiology and applicable techniques to incorporate these principles into your own teaching and practice
  • Study Yoga Sutras and philosophy
  • Explore Chakras, Bandhas & energetic anatomy
  • Study Ayurveda and experience the Yogic Diet
  • Practice Advanced Pranayama
  • Learn Kriyas, yogic cleansing techniques
  • Practice how to integrate Yoga into your daily life through Spiritual Lessons and Art of Living discussion
  • Learn the art of yoga marketing and explore your vision for bringing this practice into your community


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    Darin Lehman

    Core Subject: Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga

    Darin ‘Jai’ Lehman is a dedicated yogi, musician, artist, writer, surfer and lover of nature. He has made spiritual seeking his life’s work and he strives to bring purpose, intention and joy into each moment. His journey has led him to many inspiring teachers, spiritual living communities, traditions and cultures which is translated through his integrative teaching style. Darin weaves many paths to cultivate a broad understanding and accessible approach for the modern practitioner.


Indigo Yoga Resort is located in Mal Pais just 100 meters off the Mar Azul beach which hosts beautiful tide pools and long expansive walking beaches. 

Mal Pais is a quiet town located 2 km from the hustle and bustle of the world famous Santa Teresa beach.

The Sacred Paths 21 day 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training programs blend traditional yogic teachings and spirituality with earth medicine to provide a holistic, synergistic and applicable approach to living this practice.

This program is designed for those souls with an interest in yoga, spirituality, and meditation and an interest in deepening that connection to live your life with intention and more fully aligned with your truth.

Our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training offers an opportunity for self-growth, personal development, and transformation while providing the tools necessary to develop your own personal practice or to step into your calling as teacher and guide.

We will explore yoga history and philosophy, anatomy, alignment, yogic diet, Ayurveda, healing arts and more while tapping into the expansiveness of this practice. The experience will be richly informative, empowering, and inspiring.

Each training is a unique experience depending on the location, the facilitators and the energy of each group. Our core curriculum can be found in all location and throughout all training, the core curriculum is the guiding path to open the space for individual and group growth.

This TTC is a 21-day journey divided into four cycles of 4 days with a day off in between each. Throughout each cycle, we will use one of the four elements of earth, water, fire, and air as our guide and as the foundation of our experience for lessons, insights, ceremony, and healing.

Each cycle we go deeper into our journey of learning and revealing with this potent Earth Medicine.

We start each day with an intention, a spiritual lesson of the day, that we weave throughout the day’s teachings and live within our own personal practice.

We begin each morning in a beautiful location connecting with nature and ourselves through sunrise meditation, pranayama, and asana practice, honoring silence in this sacred time.

This is followed by a yogic breakfast, nourishing our bodies and spirits with wholesome organic vegetarian food. The experience of the day is one of learning and living yogic theory and healing practices through interactive workshops, classes, and dynamic group discussions.

In the morning classes, we explore the fundamentals of yogic living, anatomy, meditation, cleansing practices, pranayama, Ayurveda and the ancient wisdom of the Yoga Sutras through interactive and comprehensive lectures.

In the afternoon classes, we share the art of teaching and art of touch/alignment in which students practice peer teaching. In the first half of the training, students learn and practice teaching our Sacred Flow sequence.

We also take an in depth look at alignment, adjustments, benefits and contraindication of each pose. In the second half of the training, we will explore other yogic traditions (Hatha, Restorative, Yin), share the fundamentals of intelligent sequencing, theme weaving and study advanced poses and techniques.

Students will also create their own full sequence from the tools provided, share through peer teaching and receive feedback from their peers and facilitators.

Each evening we close with Satsang, our sacred community gathering, which may be meditation, kirtan, chanting, sacred ceremony or a sharing circle to connect and release the day’s challenges, triumphs, insights and joys.

The day flows within a safe container, held and guided by experienced spaceholders in inspiring locations.

We view yoga as a spiritual practice, as a path to self-realization, union, bliss, conscious connection, deepened awareness and mindful living. Throughout this process, we explore different paths to Union including movement, song, dance, chanting, ceremony and more!

In this journey, we embody yogic living, fully immersing ourselves in the experience of living and breathing this practice on and off our mat with our beloved community as our unwavering support system. 

This path asks for dedication, discipline and courage to look deep within to uncover our truth and our own authentic connection. Without our daily distractions, habits and patterns, a new way of perceiving the world is revealed.

Everyone is accepted, supported and encouraged through their process. Through our community we create a comfortable safe space to facilitate growth and expansion on all levels.

Typical Daily Schedule

Sacred Paths Yoga is a registered yoga school (RYS) with Yoga Alliance who has set a widely accepted international standard for Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) programs. These standards describe Yoga Alliance’s requirements for a Registered Yoga School that offers a 200-hour program. Topics for a RYS teacher training must be relevant to Yoga Alliance’s five educational categories as defined below. RYSs must provide a minimum number of hours of study in each educational category, and to make up the total 200 required hours (180 minimum contact hours), must also provide additional hours of study relevant to these categories. Here is how Sacred Paths Yoga School has chosen to explore these educational categories in our 200 YTT programs.

The RYS Educational Categories Are:

Techniques, Training And Practice

Contact Hours: 100

In this category we will explore techniques as well as practice and teach: asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation and other traditional yoga practices. We will emphasis both guided practice of the techniques themselves as well as analytical training in how to teach and practice the techniques.

Asana:  Trainees will deepen their knowledge of poses including beginner and more advanced variations. Benefits, risks and contraindications will be explored as well as safe transitions, intelligent sequencing, alignment and hands on assists. The five main categories of poses will be covered including standing/ balancing poses, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions.

Pranayama: Students will practice, experience and learn how to guide several pranayama techniques. They will learn the benefits and effects of such practices as well as how and when to incorporate them into a class. Pranayamas covered in depth will include: abdominal breathing, three-part yogic breath, ujjai pranayama, nadi shodhana, anuloma viloma, and kapalabhati.

Kriyas: Yogic cleansing and purification techniques will be taught and practiced in the form of Jal neti, kapalabhati, agni sara, and tratak. Trainees will be guided on the benefits and how to incorporate these techniques  into their personal practice.

ChantingMantra: We explore mantra as a path to connection, to invoke spirit and to create sacred space. Trainees will experience, practice and learn mantras to share in class such as Om, the Gayatri Mantra, the Bija mantras for chakra clearing and others.

Meditation: Various forms of guided meditation will be shared including breath focus, sensory withdrawal. visualization, mantra, chakra. Emphasis will be on quieting the mind and experiencing divine union on this path of yoga.

Teaching Methodology:

Contact Hours: 25

In this category, we will share how to refine and apply your skills as a teacher. We will discuss the principles of demonstrating asanas as well as how to effectively observe, use verbal cues and incorporate hands on assist in a class.

We will explore the use of language and voice: active vs. passive language and the effective use of each; positive and conscious communication, and habitual speech and communication patterns. This category will prepare trainees to be transformational spaceholders.

Topics in this category will include:

Anatomy And Physiology:

Contact Hours: 20

Topics in this category will include anatomical terms and basic overview of the physical body,  classes and discussion on the skeletal, muscular and nervous systems as well as how these systems are benefited by  yoga. Trainees will gain knowledge of the cardiovascular system and the heart and the digestive system and the yogic diet.

This category will also include subtle energetic anatomy and physiology, including studies on the chakras and nadis. Trainees will be guided in studying both anatomy/ physiology along with its application to the yoga practice including benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns, etc.

Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle And Ethics For Yoga Teachers

Contact Hours: 40

Our program emphasizes a whole lifestyle approach to yoga as a practice and offers guidance on how to live this practice on and off the mat. In this category, we will cover the study of yoga philosophies and traditional texts, in particularly Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. We will explore this 8-fold path as a means to quieting the mind to reach liberation. This study will include group-work, discussion and application to our practice and daily life. This category will also include the transformational framework in which trainees can practice self-inquiry and develop themselves as embodied practitioners and embodied guides.


Contact Hours: 15

In this category, trainees will actively practice teaching as the lead instructor. They will also observe others teaching, receive and give feedback and assist students while someone else is teaching. Trainees will begin peer teaching from day one as they gradually learn and practice teaching the poses and mini sequences in the Sacred Flow that is practiced in the morning and studied in depth in the Art of Teaching/ Touch classes throughout the first half of the training. They will teach this set 90 minute flow in full to a peer, observed by a facilitator. In the second half of the training, students will create their own full sequence from the tools provided, share a 90 minute class through peer teaching and receive feedback from their peers and facilitators.

    • ​06:00 – 09:00am  Meditation, Pranayama, Asana
    • 09:00 – 10:00am   Breakfast
    • 10:00 – 11:00am    Spiritual Lesson, Daily Intention
    • 11:00 – 12:00pm    Yoga Sutras / Yoga Anatomy
    • 12:00 – 1:00pm     Special Topic
    • 01:00 – 3:00pm     Lunch
    • 03:00 – 6:00pm    The Art of teaching/ Art of touch
    • 06:00 -7:00pm     Dinner
    • 07:00 – 8:00pm    Satsang (Sacred Gathering)
    • 08:00 – 9:00pm    DreamTime
    • Techniques, Training and Practice
    • Teaching Methodology
    • Anatomy & Physiology
    • Yoga Philosophy/Ethics/Lifestyle
    • Practicum
    • Communication skills such as group dynamics, time management, and the establishment of priorities and boundaries
    • How to address the specific needs of individuals and special populations, to the degree possible in a group setting
    • Principles of demonstration, observation, assisting and correcting
    • Teaching styles
    • Qualities of a teacher
    • The student learning process
    • Business aspects of teaching yoga (including marketing and legal)
    • Teacher/ Student relationship and teacher ethics

The Indigo Yoga Resort is a boutique hotel in Mal Pais catering to yoga, surfing and healthy living. It is just steps away from the Pacific Ocean and provides everything one needs in seeking relaxation and comfort. There is surfing and beach time built into the schedule and we will organize a daily shuttle to the surf breaks. Located on the tip of the Nicoya Peninsula, the Mal Pais and Santa Teresa surfing zone is known for its year round consistent waves. The average swell running in the 3-5 foot range breaking over beautiful sand beaches.  

Playa Carmen, 2 kilometers from Indigo Yoga Resort, will be our most common surf spot. Depending on participant needs and abilities, we will also have opportunities to go to the surf breaks at Banana Beach, Santa Teresa and Playa Hermosa. There is also opportunity to experience Stand Up Paddleboarding (‘SUPing’) right in Mal Pais.

Yogic culture and philosophy give great importance to eating healthy energizing meals prepared with intention. 

Food contains the Prana (energy) that fuels the body and mind. A healthy diet will leave you feeling light and energized, ready to immerse in our intensive yogic course. Meals are ovo-lacto vegetarian (most meals are vegan) and will provide a full balance of vitamins, proteins, and carbs. 

Vegan, gluten-free, and most other food preferences can be prepared on request. 

Each meal is prepared with loving care with many of the fruits and vegetables grown onsite on the organic farm or brought in directly from an organic farm outside of San Jose.

Sacred Paths Yoga


Little Hotel of Dreams is a place to relax and indulge in the quaint tropical seaside village of Sayulita. Hotelito los Sueños is all about comfort, tranquility and a high level of service. They have intention to provide guests with the best experience possible; clean, secure, tasteful and comfortable guest rooms, beautiful yoga spaces, abundant healthy meals as well as surfboards and bicycles to loan.